USM Bargaining

Update on Negotiations with the University System of Maryland

In the last few months, our AFSCME Maryland bargaining team has gone back and forth with the University System of Maryland (USM) to secure our first unified contract, covering AFSCME-represented employees at institutions across the system. 

While this process hasn’t been easy, we’re excited to share that we’ve reached tentative agreements on over 100 different contract pieces, including a wage package earlier this year. 

Thanks to the tireless organizing of AFSCME members throughout this process and during this most recent legislative session, we have won a 3% cost of living adjustment (COLA) and merit pay increases for USM employees in this upcoming state budget. These raises will go into effect on July 1 of this year. With these raises, AFSCME members will have won over 23.5% in raises since 2022! 

We have also won additional raises from the USM that will go into effect once a majority of workers ratify our new master agreement. These raises include additional pay for years of experience and flat raises for everyone in the bargaining unit. This contract will mark the first time that we are winning pay increases outside of what the state legislature has already earmarked for other state employees! 

We are still working to reach an agreement on the following six issues: 

  • Health and safety 
  • Contracting out work done by AFSCME members 
  • Reassigning exempt staff  
  • Workplace rights and leave time for union stewards to represent their fellow union members on workplace issues 
  • Issues regarding essential employees and closures of the campuses 
  • Procedures for layoffs 

Because we have been unable to reach an agreement with the USM on these issues, we will be working with a neutral third party to help us finalize our contract and reach resolution on these issues. This process is called “fact-finding” and is tentatively scheduled to take place at the end of May/beginning of June. 

Once we are able to reach an agreement on these remaining issues, everyone in an AFSCME-represented job title will be able to ratify our new contract with a majority vote. Please stay tuned for more information because this contract is not final until all of us ratify it! 

Now is the time to get involved and to the finish line, so we can win the best contract we possibly can! The more members we have, the more powerful we are to demand the workplace changes we want to see. If you are not a member yet, you can sign up online here.  

And if you are already a member looking to get more involved, please email us at We have a number of steward trainings and other opportunities coming up this year. 

For more information and questions, please contact 

Pictured: AFSCME members who work for the USM as well as other state employees at a Lobby Night visit in Annapolis